News & Articles By Zoey Sky
By Zoey Sky
Studies: Vitamin C helps maintain healthy vision as you age
A study published in the journal Ophthalmology has found that vitamin C can help support healthy vision as you age. The researchers worked with 5,638 volunteers in India who were aged 60 and older. According to the results, vitamin C status was “inversely associated with eye-health concerns,” meaning the more vitamin C participants had in their body, the […]
By Zoey Sky
Natural health: 4 Ways to boost your bone health
Maintaining bone health is crucial for your well-being. To keep your bones healthy, consume more superfoods like turmeric, dandelion greens and thyme. Eating foods rich in magnesium, a bone-supporting nutrient, can also help. Following a balanced diet and exercising regularly can help keep your bones healthy and protect against bone diseases like osteoporosis or bone fractures. […]
By Zoey Sky
Food is Medicine: Fruits and vegetables are the key to preventing and treating diseases, health experts say
Following a healthy diet is crucial for maintaining your overall wellness, but healthy food isn’t always accessible for some people. To address this issue, some experts suggest that diet can be prescribed in the same way as medication, “as a prescriptive intervention, [subsidized] by government, readily available and with plenty of support and information, to help prevent or […]
By Zoey Sky
Top 41 nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables that you should incorporate into your diet
When buying food at the grocery, get more bang for your buck by focusing on the most nutrient-dense produce. But first, you need to know which delicious and nutritious ingredients to use in your daily meals. If you’re not sure which fruits and vegetables to get, check out the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention‘s (CDC) […]
By Zoey Sky
Food storage tips: 11 Superfoods that boost your nutrient intake
Most prepper stockpiles have pantry staples like beans and rice. But even if you stock up on a lot of canned food, your diet will require other nutritious ingredients so you can stay healthy and strong after SHTF. While preparing for a survival scenario, stock up on superfoods like berries and dark leafy greens or […]
By Zoey Sky
Study: Common purslane weed is a “super plant” that may be key to developing drought-resistant crops
For the average gardener, weeds like common purslane (Portulaca oleracea) are a nuisance. But according to a study, purslane could be a “super plant” that can help researchers develop drought-resistant crops. In the study, a team of scientists from Yale University discovered that the weed purslane integrates two distinct metabolic pathways to create a unique type […]
By Zoey Sky
Here’s why eating a colorful diet is important for your overall health
If you’re struggling to follow a balanced diet, you can try “eating the rainbow.” This means you need to make sure your meals contain a wide variety of nutritious and colorful fruits and veggies. Every color provides specific protection for plants. According to studies, humans receive similar benefits from eating colorful vegetables and fruit. Red fruits and […]
By Zoey Sky
Healthy habits that can boost brain health
Having healthy habits is key to maintaining your overall well-being and keeping your brain healthy as you age. Follow the tips below to boost your brain health. Exercise away from polluted areas As you age, your brain starts to change. The frontal lobe and hippocampus, two areas involved in cognitive function and encoding new memories, […]
By Zoey Sky
Home gardening tips: How to grow and harvest radishes
Nutritious radishes are a must-have in any kitchen, especially if you love ingredients that are crunchy and slightly peppery. If you have a home garden, you can also plant and harvest radishes for your daily use and survival stockpile. (h/t to Why grow radishes? Radishes are one of the first cultivated vegetables in recorded history […]
By Zoey Sky
Quercetin can protect you from the harmful effects of pesticides
More than a thousand different chemicals are used as pesticides in the United States. These harmful pesticides are used on at least 20,000 different products. Unfortunately, pesticides are also often used in homes, gardens, lawns, parks and schools. Studies have confirmed that excessive and prolonged exposure to pesticides is linked to cancer, endocrine disorders, respiratory problems, […]
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